What I Do
UX Consulting
A UX consultant is responsible for many of the same tasks as a UX designer, but they typically.
App Development
We’ll handle everything from to app development process until it is time to make your project live.
Business Stratagy
We’ll help you optimize your business processes to maximize profitability and eliminate unnecessary costs.
My Portfolio
My Resume
Education Quality
BSc in Computer Science
University of DVI (2006 - 2010)The training provided by universities in order to prepare people to work in various sectors of the economy or areas of culture.
AS - Science & Information
SuperKing College (2001 - 2005)Higher education is tertiary education leading to award of an academic degree. Higher education, also called post-secondary education.
Secondary School Education
Kingstar Secondary School (1998 - 2000)Secondary education or post-primary education covers two phases on the International Standard Classification of Education scale.
Job Experience
Sr. Software Engineer
Google Out Tech - (2017 - Present)Google’s hiring process is an important part of our culture. Googlers care deeply about their teams and the people who make them up.
Web Developer & Trainer
Apple Developer Team - (2012 - 2016)A popular destination with a growing number of highly qualified homegrown graduates, it's true that securing a role in Malaysia isn't easy.
Front-end Developer
Nike - (2020 - 2011)The India economy has grown strongly over recent years, having transformed itself from a producer and innovation-based economy.
Design Skill
Development Skill
Job Experience
Sr. Software Engineer
Google Out Tech - (2017 - Present)Google’s hiring process is an important part of our culture. Googlers care deeply about their teams and the people who make them up.
Web Developer & Trainer
Apple Developer Team - (2012 - 2016)A popular destination with a growing number of highly qualified homegrown graduates, it's true that securing a role in Malaysia isn't easy.
Front-end Developer
Nike - (2020 - 2011)The India economy has grown strongly over recent years, having transformed itself from a producer and innovation-based economy.
Trainer Experience
Gym Instructor
Rainbow Gym Center (2015 - 2020)The training provided by universities in order to prepare people to work in various sectors of the economy or areas of culture.
Web Developer and Instructor
SuperKing College (2010 - 2014)Higher education is tertiary education leading to award of an academic degree. Higher education, also called post-secondary education.
School Teacher
Kingstar Secondary School (2001 - 2010)Secondary education or post-primary education covers two phases on the International Standard Classification of Education scale.
Company Experience
Personal Portfolio April Fools
University of DVI (1997 - 2001))The education should be very interactual. Ut tincidunt est ac dolor aliquam sodales. Phasellus sed mauris hendrerit, laoreet sem in, lobortis mauris hendrerit ante.
Examples Of Personal Portfolio
University of DVI (1997 - 2001))The education should be very interactual. Ut tincidunt est ac dolor aliquam sodales. Phasellus sed mauris hendrerit, laoreet sem in, lobortis mauris hendrerit ante.
Tips For Personal Portfolio
University of DVI (1997 - 2001))The education should be very interactual. Ut tincidunt est ac dolor aliquam sodales. Phasellus sed mauris hendrerit, laoreet sem in, lobortis mauris hendrerit ante.
Job Experience
Personal Portfolio April Fools
University of DVI (1997 - 2001))The education should be very interactual. Ut tincidunt est ac dolor aliquam sodales. Phasellus sed mauris hendrerit, laoreet sem in, lobortis mauris hendrerit ante.
Examples Of Personal Portfolio
University of DVI (1997 - 2001))The education should be very interactual. Ut tincidunt est ac dolor aliquam sodales. Phasellus sed mauris hendrerit, laoreet sem in, lobortis mauris hendrerit ante.
Tips For Personal Portfolio
University of DVI (1997 - 2001))The education should be very interactual. Ut tincidunt est ac dolor aliquam sodales. Phasellus sed mauris hendrerit, laoreet sem in, lobortis mauris hendrerit ante.
Awesome Clients
My Pricing
Make Your Single Page
Elementor / WPBakeryAll the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary
1 Page with Elementor
Design Customization
Responsive Design
Content Upload
Design Customization
2 Plugins/Extensions
Multipage Elementor
Design Figma
MAintaine Design
Content Upload
Design With XD
8 Plugins/Extensions
Design Make this Page
Elementor / WPBakeryAll the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary
5 Page with Elementor
Design Customization
Responsive Design
Content Upload
Design Customization
5 Plugins/Extensions
Multipage Elementor
Design Figma
MAintaine Design
Content Upload
Design With XD
50 Plugins/Extensions
Customize Your Single Page
Elementor / WPBakeryAll the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary
10 Page with Elementor
Design Customization
Responsive Design
Content Upload
Design Customization
20 Plugins/Extensions
Multipage Elementor
Design Figma
MAintaine Design
Content Upload
Design With XD
100 Plugins/Extensions
My Blog
Ini dia destinasi wisata yang wajib kamu kunjungi kalau lagi di Semarang
Wisatawan lokal indonesia sangat suka destinasi wisata yang bersuhu sejuk, berbeda dengan wisatawan mancanegara yang lebih suka tempat denga matahari yang terik, indonesia sebagai negara yang memiliki cukup banyak tempat dengan dataran tinggi menawarkan berbagai tempat wisata yang berhawa sejuk, salah satunya adalah kawasan wisata umbul sidomukti, sidomukti merupakan salah satu Wisata Alam Pegunungan di Semarang, berada di Desa Sidomukti Kecamatan Bandungan Kabupaten Semarang. Kawasan wisata ini didukung fasiltas & Servis: Outbond Training, Adrenalin Games, Taman Renang Alam, kebun kopi, Camping Ground, Pondok Wisata, Pondok Lesehan, serta Meeting Room.
Yang menarik adalah kolam renang alam, Umbul sidomukti merupakan pemandian tertinggi di jawa tengah, terletak di ketinggian 1100 dpl. Air yang memancar tinggi, itulah yang namanya umbul. Mata air yang mengalir di pemadian umbul sidomukti berasal dari mata air ngetihan dan watu payung. Ketinggian pancaran umbul, bisa mencapai 2-3 meter.
Tidak usah khawatir dengan harga, karena kawasan wisata umbul sidomukti tidak akan menguras kantong anda, jika anda hanya datang untuk merasakan berenang diatas ketinggian dengan view pemandangan khas pegunungan anda cukup merogoh kocek Rp.2.000 untuk parkir kendaraan roda dua dan tiket masuk kolam renang Rp. 8.000 saja di hari biasa, dan Rp. 10.000 dihari libur.
Selain itu anda juga dapat menikmati wahana lain, seperti flying fox, ATV, Taman berani, Camping Ground, dan sebagainya dengan harga yang relatif terjangkau oleh kantong mahasiswa sekalipun. So don’t forget this destination from your travel list.
Drone ini bisa terbang, Mengapung di Air dan Berkomunikasi Antar Drone
Drone adalah sebuah pesawat tanpa awak atau dalam istilah Inggris disebut Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Dikutip dari BBC, Para peneliti dari Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) telah menciptakan sebuah pesawat tanpa awak, berbeda dengan Drone umumnya yang hanya bisa terbang untuk keperluan tertentu, drone yang diciptakan oleh peneliti MIT juga dapat mengapung di atas air dan berkomunikasi dengan drone lain melalui cloud computing.
Tim pengembang proyek tersebut berharap drone tersebut dapat digunakan untuk memantau kualitas air secara realtime melalui beberapa sensor yang disematkan pada drone tersebut, Drone ini juga disebar dibeberapa tempat untuk merekam data air dari beberapa tempat.
5 Fakta Orang Madura
5 Fakta Orang Madura
Madura merupakan suku dengan populasi yang cukup besar di Indonesia, orang Madura memiliki keunikan tersendiri sebagaimana keunikan yang dimiliki oleh suku-suku lain yang ada di Indonesia, Berikut beberapa fakta tentang orang Madura.
Contact With Me
Nevine Acotanza
Chief Operating OfficerI am available for freelance work. Connect with me via and call in to my account.
Phone: +01234567890 Email: admin@example.com